Table of Contents
- ANAFAnswer
- Represents answer structure for @see ANAFAnswerListResponse::$mesaje
- ANAFAnswerListResponse
- Represents answer structure for @see \EdituraEDU\ANAF\ANAFAPIClient::ListAnswers()
- ANAFException
- ANAFResponse
- Represents the base structure for some ANAF API responses
- ANAFVerifyResponse
- Represents the response structure for @see \EdituraEDU\ANAF\ANAFAPIClient::VerifyXML
- EntityResponse
- Represents the response structure for @see \EdituraEDU\ANAF\ANAFAPIClient::GetEntity
- InternalPagedAnswersResponse
- Response to the paged answers API endpoint
- PagedAnswerListResponse
- Pseudo response for unifying multiple paged answer lists into a single response
- TVAResponse
- Represents the response structure for @see \EdituraEDU\ANAF\ANAFAPIClient::CheckTVAStatus()
- UBLUploadResponse
- Represents the response structure for @see \EdituraEDU\ANAF\ANAFAPIClient::UploadEFactura()